
Zuzana Burianová: i

Dva svety: vnútorný, plný vnemov, citov, pocitov a potrieb a ten vonkajší, plný informácií. Do akej miery dokážeme vnímať a reagovať na všetko, čo k nám prehovára? A čo je v tom celku moja identita / autentická totožnosť? Preinformovanosť často vedie k apatii alebo stresu a následnému kolapsu. Potreba kontrolovať, newsgoogles, smart tick, reality disorder… nové defekty, ktoré priplávali s potrebou vedieť o všetkom. Ako však veľmi vieme ešte o sebe?



The following performance reviews were generated within the project Dance Season 2018/2019 - a Slovak nationwide project of analyzes of contemporary dance performances and discussions, which was supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.


The coexistence of two worlds - the rational, material world of information and inner experience. A kind of an experiment in which the guards do not let their samples leave the ongoing test.

by Marek Godovič


For a moment a serious, then suddanly lighthearted and funny reflection of media manipulation. We see protagonists, ordinary examples of the society, as some puppets receiving various instructions, while the audience is informed about their private, intimate lives. At the end they are erased or put away. Characters are in a safe, dreamlike bubble, on translucent pedestals, man and woman, each one alone.

by Barbora Uríková